Now I guess it's time to "toot my own horn". Last year I was informed that I was put in for a Bronze Star with 'V' device for my actions in Ia Drang Valley (Vietnam). 'V' device indicates the Bronze Star was earned in combat. Well, it arrived this month. I didn't know if it would go thru or not due to the elapsed time--42 years. I appreciate it and it would have been even better if my folks were still alive to see it. Especially with my dad having been career Air Force. Thanks to Bob Towles for all his great effort in getting this done.
While in Rantoul we visited with Ron & Janet Parker also. I went to high school with both of them.
It's time to head to Wakarusa, In for our factory appointment. We arrived the day before and our appt was at 6:30AM the next day. OUCH! Thats too early. Our friends, Rich & Diane Emond, were having their motorhome repainted in the area so we connected with them to see the coach and go out to eat. The paint shop did an excellent job. They had also had some cabinet work done inside--also a good job. Always good to see them again.
Next day we went to the factory to start the repair process. First step was to evaluate the damage as they hadn't seen the MH yet. So I helped the tech (Tim Herrli) move stuff around and some stuff had to go outside the MH. Tim moved the slide out and heard a crunching sound. A bolt on the slideout roller had snapped right then and was gouging the tile. Now we know it will be a total tile floor replacement. Turns out they didn't have any tile to match the original so it would all be replaced anyway. The breaking bolt would have been a real problem anywhere else but here at the factory. They had the knowledge & equipment to fix it. Another roller had worn out so they replaced it also.They had to loosen the slide awning, tilt the slide, replace the bolt & rollers & tilt the slide back in. They started tearing up the floor in the toilet area and in front of the kitchen sink. Luckily the damage wasn't widespread as I feared.
We had to pack enough stuff to last us at least a week in a motel (UGH). It is a nice motel tho. The "Inn @ Amish Acres" in Nappanee, IN. About 6 miles from the repair place. We are allowed into the service area while they are working on the MH. That way I can take some pics of the progress.
While the MH was being worked on we went shopping for a couch. We had decided to replace my recliner with a couch and move Kay's recliner over to my side. Her's is smaller than mine and should open up a little more room in the aisle way. We visited a couple of RV surplus stores and finally found the one we liked at Bradd & Hall which specializes in RV furniture. We made arrangements to have it installed as soon as the floor was done.
I also went on a Monaco factory tour. It was interesting but they don't permit picture taking. Other than that we drove around seeing the area. outside the post office is a carved tree that was worth taking a pic of. We wanted to visit the RV museum but they don't allow dogs and we didn't want to leave him at the motel by himself. He doesn't usually bark when left alone but this wasn't his home so we weren't sure.
We were at the motel for 10 days and that was long enough. The bill was over $6000, all but $1000 was covered by insurance. When they finished at noon we went to get the couch installed and then headed back to Rantoul for the weekend. From Rantoul we went to Effingham as the replacement A/C was waiting for us. Remember--this is a replacement for the new one we had installed in June. Chad came by and replaced the unit. It wasn't as noisy as the previous one but still too noisy. He called the factory again and they suggested a few things for him to try and none of them worked. They finally decided to send a new fan kit which consisted of a new motor and squirrel cages (fans). When they arrived, Chad installed them and they were quiter but not as quiet as the old A/C was or the front A/C. But it is liveable. Since it is the bedroom unit it is drowned out by my CPAP and oxygen concentrator when we are sleeping.
While waiting for parts we took LZ to the vet for his annual checkup & shots. Vet says he still has a good heartbeat and is healthy for his age (14 yrs). He does have some macular degeneration which explains his reluctance to go down the MH steps.
Since it was the weekend we didn't want to travel so we went out on the town again. Then on sat, Dianne & Lyle Haney had another poker party for us.
On to Savannah. We stopped at a rest area and there was a Harley Davidson, named Anaconda, on a trailer. It is in the Guiness Book of World Records as the longest motorcycle in the world. It was quite a sight and got a lot of attention.
When we arrived in Richmond Hill (Jared & Julia's house), I started unhooking the truck and noticed a crack in the windshield. Looking closely I saw a tiny spot where a rock had hit it. Kay made arrangements to have it replaced thru insurance. The guy did a great job. Then we had to go out to Hunter Army Airfield to get new stickers that allows us to get on military forts/bases as we travel.
While setting up the satellite dish for TV, the receiver went out. After a few calls dealing with techs that we couldn't understand they finally decided to sent us a new one. At no cost. I put the dish on Jared's garage roof to be able to clear the trees. Bob & Donna were coming down in a few days and bringing me there old dish so I could mount it permanently on the roof and keep my old one for the road. Jared had some coax cable so I climbed in the attic and ran a line from the roof down the wall and installed a connection thru the wall. Now when we arrive here I just have to run my cable from the MH to the outside wall.
The main reason we are here this early is Jason is getting married to Lindsay on Oct 20th. On wed, the 17th, Kay went to the bachelorette party. On fri, the 19th, they had the rehearsal dinner and after that the guys went out for a bachelor party. Jared had rented a 12 passenger van and Ethan was our designated driver. We went to a sports bar, then to the Savannah Blues which is owned by my nephew's friends, Mark & Heidi. Then we went over the bridge to SC and visited a strip club. I mean that's traditional for a bachelor party---RIGHT? Very interesting evening. Finally got home at 5AM. Sure glad the wedding wasn't til 4PM.
The wedding was in a very beautiful old church. Very nice. Beautiful setting. The weather was great. Everything was just perfect. Jason & Lindsay made a very attractive couple. While they were exchanging vows I wanted a picture of Lindsay as she had a glow about her. But the church didn't allow cameras during the ceremony. After the wedding the reception was at Vics, on the riverfront. I didn't even have a beer at the reception. I guess the night before was enough for me. I can't keep up with these young kids any more. We even left early as Kay's dad and her aunt were ready to leave and we took them home which was over halfway to the MH. Good excuse for us to leave early.
Four days later, Julia delivered Jacob Michael Fruchtl---8 lb, 4 oz, 20" long. And a handsome devil he is!!
Kay spent a lot of time taking her dad to appointments. This was agreed upon with Clara (her sister) that when she was here Kay would take care of that stuff to give Clara a break. Seems fair to me.
Bob, Donna & myself were kept busy working on Jared/Julia's house. Jared is trying to get his business up & going which keeps him busy. Lots of odds and ends need to be finished on their house. We put in a sewer line for the MH, caulked the porch in preparation for painting & started painting the deck and back walls.I fixed both the garage door openers, one of which needed the gears replaced, unpacked the tools that I had packed in Effingham the year before I also spent some time at Clara's house fixing some electric problems. Bob & Donna did most of the caulking and painting and I took care of a lot of the odd jobs. They did an awesome job. I'll have the pics next update as they are still doing some trim work.